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AKITA JALT meetings in 2005
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Guest speaker: Jason Good
Date:Saturday, June 25th, 2005
Title: Bilingual Education in Asia and Content Materials
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Place: AIU (Akita International University)
Room: D-201, the second floor room in the AIU library

8 people attended the meeting.
Chapter Report
(to be printed in The Language Teacher)
Guest speaker: Jason Good
AKITA - June 2005 - Bilingual Education in Asia -Jason Good (Asia representative for English Exchange) Jason Good started his presentation with some important questions. Is Japan lagging behind the rest of Asia with its English education? What exactly is the rest of Asia doing with regards to English education, especially for their kids? What is being taught at the bilingual schools? Mr. Good divided bilingual education in Asia into two distinct categories, the ‘Old’ - Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Philippines; and the ‘New’ - Thailand, Taiwan, and Korea. He used the new Japanese government Bilingual School in Gunma to represent the latest Japanese paradigm. He showed that bilingual education in Asia was started by International schools, and then fueled by returnees and the private school that catered to them. As the Asian representative for Houghton Mifflin, Mr. Good explained the use of materials made for Native Speaking school children in the USA, and how these materials had been successfully employed in bilingual education in Thailand, Taiwan and Korea. In the end, it was concluded that Japan really isn’t serious about bilingual education, not in the same way as the ‘New’ bilingual countries in Asia. His presentation included many examples of how texts originally intended for native speakers could be utilized in Japan.
Reported by Stephen Shucart

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